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Как достать родителей

Добавлено: 29 апр 2013, 20:02
Comedian Nathan Fielder ignited a social prank that left many concerned parents thinking their worst fears have come true: Nathan instructed his followers on Twitter to text their parents “got 2 grams for $40″. That text had to instantly be followed by another one, saying “Sorry ignore that txt. Not for you”, and everyone who’d do it was asked to twitter a screenshot with the response. The responses, as you may guess, were abundant and hilarious!

While some parents were OK with an explanation that their kids were talking about textbooks, some proved their expertise, saying that the deal was nothing but a rip-off. The most common reaction, however, was the utter disbelief that their off-springs could even speak such lingo. Which one of these hilarious responses is your favorite?


Re: Как достать родителей

Добавлено: 26 авг 2013, 10:01
Трёхлетний малыш получает от бабушки, живущей в другом городе, подарок на день рождения. Открыв бандероль, он видит, что это шикарный водяной пистолет, и, завизжав от восторга, бежит быстро наполнять его.
Его мама, однако, совсем не в восторге и набирает номер своей матери:
— Мама, ты помнишь, как мы доводили тебя до сумасшествия своими водяными пистолетами?
Из трубки раздаётся злорадный голос бабушки:
— А то!